03 SEAFDEC/IFRDMD External Publications
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Disentangling the taxonomy of the subfamily Rasborinae (Cypriniformes, Danionidae) in Sundaland using DNA barcodes
(Nature Research, 2020)Sundaland constitutes one of the largest and most threatened biodiversity hotspots; however, our understanding of its biodiversity is afflicted by knowledge gaps in taxonomy and distribution patterns. The subfamily Rasborinae ... -
Pengelolaan perikanan perairan darat di Indonesia
(Madza Media, 2023-07)Kata perairan mengacu pada badan air yang dapat ditemukan di lokasi tertentu, yang dapat bergerak, seperti sungai dan laut, atau diam, seperti danau. Perairan ini dapat memiliki komposisi yang berbeda, seperti air tawar, ... -
Assessing the ecosystem approach to fisheries management in Indonesian inland fisheries
(Hard Publishing Company, 2021-12)Inland waters provide huge fish resources and are exploited as food security by local people. The method used in this study was intended to evaluate the performance of the management in terms of the Ecosystem Approach to ... -
Assessing temporal patterns and species composition of glass eel (Anguila spp.) cohorts in Sumatra and Java using DNA barcodes
(MDPI, 2021-04-29)Anguillid eels are widely acknowledged for their ecological and socio-economic value in many countries. Yet, knowledge regarding their biodiversity, distribution and abundance remains superficial—particularly in tropical ... -
Implementing sound policies and regulations for the sustainability of eel fisheries in Southeast Asia
(Secretariat, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 2023-02)The rapid population decline of temperate eels and the listing of some anguillid eel species, i.e. Anguilla anguilla and A. japonica in the CITES Appendices, have led to the increase in the market value of tropical eels ... -
Learning the lessons from the integrated small-scale inland fisheries business in Kampong Patin Village, Indonesia
(Secretariat, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 2023-02)Inland fisheries are not often a priority in national and regional governance, being undervalued and overlooked, although it is recognized as important to food security, livelihoods, and human well-being. In inland waters, ... -
Challenges balancing fisheries resource management and river development in Indonesia
(CSIRO Publishing, 2019-07-18)Indonesia’s increasing human population will require more food and potable water into the future. Constructing more reservoirs has been deemed a national priority to help meet these basic needs. The number of reservoirs ... -
Abundance and composition of phytoplankton communities in middle stream of Citanduy river, West Java
(IOP Publishing, 2021)The relationship between phytoplankton composition and environmental conditions in their habitat provides an important role for their as an assessment of the status and quality of river waters and the management of these ... -
Understanding Gender Roles in Anguillid Eel Fisheries of Indonesia
(Secretariat, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 2022-12)Indonesia is endowed with rich anguillid eel resources. The women are engaged in the whole fish value chain; however, their participation in eel fisheries has often been overlooked. To understand the roles of women and men ... -
Reviving the giant featherback (Chitala lopis) in Indonesia
(Secretariat, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 2022-07)In Indonesia, the giant featherback (Chitala lopis) is an economically important freshwater fish. However, this fish has been overfished due to its high demand. For the sustainability of the fishery resource, the Government ... -
Kontribusi penting pemangku kepentingan dalam pengelolaan perikanan di rawa lebak Pampangan
(Unsri Press, 2019)Stakeholders are the individuals, groups, or institutions with interest in natural resources at a location, or the person who has the potential to influence activities and provide benefits or losses in the changing conditions. ... -
Karakteristik sumberdaya ikan di Situ Gede, Tasikmalaya, Jawa Barat
(Unsri Press, 2019)Situ Gede is one of the seven reservoirs in the Tasikmalaya City that has a function as fish resources, water resources, and tourism destination. Information regarding the characteristics of fish resources in the waters ... -
Fish diversity and water quality of Ayamaru lake, West Papua
(Graduate Program Sriwijaya University, 2021)Ayamaru lake is one of the lakes in West Papua categorized as karst lake. It is endowed with fish diversity in various ornamental fish and consumption fish with high economic value. Recently, a number of floating net cages ... -
Integrated swamp management to promote sustainability of fish resources: Case study in Pampangan District, South Sumatra Province, Indonesia
(Food and Agriculture Organization of the United NationsMichigan State UniversityAmerican Fisheries Society, 2016)Pampangan District is a floodplain area, containing 21 distinct swamps characterized by seasonal shifts in the aquatic and terrestrial environment. During the wet season, the floodplain is covered by water with a depth of ... -
Developing habitat conservation suitable for Nam Xouang Reservoir, Vientiane Province, Lao PDR
(Graduated Program Sriwijaya University, 2019-08-31)The establishment of the conservation area considers the most important issues of the environment changing in inland waters of ASEAN Countries. To respond this issue, a study was conducted in Nam Xouang Reservoir, Lao PDR, ... -
Current status and problems of the catch statistics on anguillid eel fishery in Indonesia
(Research Center for Oceanography of LIPI (Indonesian Institute of Sciences), 2016-05-31)To compensate the decline of the populations of temperate anguillid eels, tropical anguillid eels become getting attention of East Asian eel market in recent years. Many eel farms have been established in Java Island to ... -
A new species of Pectenocypris (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) from peat swamps in Sumatra
(Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung, 2019-10-01)A new cyprinid species, Pectenocypris rubra, is described from peat swamps from central Sumatra (Indonesia). This species is only known from peat lakes upstream of the river Serkap, a tributary of the Kampar River. ... -
The complete mitochondrial DNA sequence of Pectenocypris sp. (Actinopterygii: Cyprinidae) from Serkap River, Sumatra, Indonesia
(Taylor & Francis Open Access, 2018-01-02)The whole mitochondrial genome of a small cyprinid freshwater fish Pectenocypris sp. collected from Serkap River, Central Sumatra, Indonesia was sequenced. This mitochondrial genome consisted of 16,589 bp and included 37 ... -
Management of catadromous eel resources in Southeast Asia toward sustainability: A synthesis
(Secretariat, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 2021)Although the fisheries of catadromous eels are known to be practiced in many countries in Southeast Asia, e.g. Cambodia, Indonesia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, and Viet Nam, the statistical information on eel production ... -
Efficient Inland Fisheries Data Collection Made Easy: the DACOFA Way
(Secretariat, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 2020-12-30)The role of inland capture fisheries in ensuring adequate nutrient supplies and food security could not be surmised, especially that information on the actual contribution of inland fisheries to the socio-economic development ...