Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Pengelolaan perikanan perairan darat di Indonesia
(Madza Media, 2023-07)
Kata perairan mengacu pada badan air yang dapat ditemukan di lokasi tertentu, yang dapat bergerak, seperti sungai dan laut, atau diam, seperti danau. Perairan ini dapat memiliki komposisi yang berbeda, seperti air tawar, ...
Learning the lessons from the integrated small-scale inland fisheries business in Kampong Patin Village, Indonesia
(Secretariat, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 2023-02)
Inland fisheries are not often a priority in national and regional governance, being undervalued and overlooked, although it is recognized as important to food security, livelihoods, and human well-being. In inland waters, ...
Reviving the giant featherback (Chitala lopis) in Indonesia
(Secretariat, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 2022-07)
In Indonesia, the giant featherback (Chitala lopis) is an economically important freshwater fish. However, this fish has been overfished due to its high demand. For the sustainability of the fishery resource, the Government ...