Now showing items 1-20 of 68

    • Using DNA barcode to improve the identification of marine fish larvae, case study coastal water near Jakarta and Banda Sea, Indonesia 

      Wibowo, Arif ORCID; Panggabean, Anthony Sisco; Zamroni, Achmad; Priatna, Asep; Yusuf, Helman Nur (Indonesian Fisheries Research Journal, 2018-08-13)
      The sustainability of the exploitation of the Indonesian fishes depends heavily on many of fish’s basic information including both larvae distribution and dispersal. However, the identification of fish larvae and juvenile ...
    • A field guide for glass eel species identification 

      Suryati, Ni Komang; Muthmainnah, Dina ORCID; Suzuki, Toshiya; Kasim, Kamaluddin; Pamungkas, Yanu Prasetiyo; Mulyani, Yenni Sri; Daryani, Ayu; Septimesy, Annisa; Shimizu, Tomohito (Bening, 2024-05)
      Anguillid eels are unique catadromous fishes categorized as a group of species that undergo long-distance migrations, traveling between growth habitats in freshwater environments while breeding and spawning in far-deep ...
    • High genetic diversity in anguillid glass eels across three Southeast Asian countries revealed through mitochondrial DNA D-loop sequences, with notes on population structure 

      Marini, Melfa; Pedrosa-Gerasmio, Ivane R.; Santos, Mudjekeewis D.; Romana-Eguia, Maria Rowena R.; Nguyen, Binh Thanh; Shibuno, Takuro (Elsevier, 2024-09)
      Understanding the genetic diversity and population structure of anguillid eels is crucial for effective management. In this study, we used the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) D-loop marker to identify anguillid glass eels and ...
    • Remodeling swamp fisheries: Conservation Area 

      Fahmi, Zulkarnaen; Shimizu, Tomohito; Muthmainnah, Dina ORCID; Suhaimi, Rezki Antoni; Supriyadi, Freddy; Sawestri, Sevi ORCID; Rais, Aroef Hukmanan; Suryati, Ni Komang; Saiyani, Ahmad; Pamungkas, Yanu Prasetiyo (Bening, 2024-05)
      Indonesia is an archipelago country located in the equatorial and felt tropical weather throughout the year. Besides the strategic position, Indonesia also has large resources in land and sea territory. Indonesia has become ...
    • Disentangling the taxonomy of the subfamily Rasborinae (Cypriniformes, Danionidae) in Sundaland using DNA barcodes 

      Sholihah, Arni; Delrieu-Trottin, Erwan; Sukmono, Tedjo; Dahruddin, Hadi; Risdawati, Renny; Elvyra, Roza; Wibowo, Arif ORCID; Kustiati, Kustiati; Busson, Frederic; Sauri, Sopian; Nurhaman, Ujang; Dounias, Edmond; Zein, Muhamad Syamsul Arifin; Fitriana, Yuli; Utama, Ilham Vemandra; Muchlisin, Zainal Abidin; Agnese, Jean-Francois; Hanner, Robert; Wowor, Daisy; Steinke, Dirk ORCID; Keith, Philippe; Ruber, Lukas; Hubert, Nicolas ORCID (Nature Research, 2020)
      Sundaland constitutes one of the largest and most threatened biodiversity hotspots; however, our understanding of its biodiversity is afflicted by knowledge gaps in taxonomy and distribution patterns. The subfamily Rasborinae ...
    • Pengelolaan perikanan perairan darat di Indonesia 

      Ramadian, Afzil; Muthmainnah, Dina ORCID (Madza Media, 2023-07)
      Kata perairan mengacu pada badan air yang dapat ditemukan di lokasi tertentu, yang dapat bergerak, seperti sungai dan laut, atau diam, seperti danau. Perairan ini dapat memiliki komposisi yang berbeda, seperti air tawar, ...
    • Assessing the ecosystem approach to fisheries management in Indonesian inland fisheries 

      Ditya, Yoga Candra ORCID; Muthmainnah, Dina ORCID; Wiadnyana, Ngurah Nyoman ORCID; Makmur, Safran; Kaban, Siswanta ORCID; Makmur, Hukmanan Rais; Hidayah, Taufiq; Anggraeni, Dian Pamularsih; Antoni, Rezki; Dwirastina, Mirna ORCID; Koeshendrajana, Sonny ORCID (Hard Publishing Company, 2021-12)
      Inland waters provide huge fish resources and are exploited as food security by local people. The method used in this study was intended to evaluate the performance of the management in terms of the Ecosystem Approach to ...
    • Assessing temporal patterns and species composition of glass eel (Anguila spp.) cohorts in Sumatra and Java using DNA barcodes 

      Wibowo, Arif ORCID; Hubert, Nicolas ORCID; Dahruddin, Hadi; Steinke, Dirk ORCID; Suhaimi, Rezki Antoni; Samuel; Atminarso, Dwi ORCID; Anggraeni, Dian Pamularsih ORCID; Trismawanti, Ike ORCID; Baumgartner, Lee ORCID; Ning, Nathan ORCID (MDPI, 2021-04-29)
      Anguillid eels are widely acknowledged for their ecological and socio-economic value in many countries. Yet, knowledge regarding their biodiversity, distribution and abundance remains superficial—particularly in tropical ...
    • Srivijaya Vol. 1 No. 1 

      Balai Riset Perikanan Perairan Umum dan Penyuluhan Perikanan (BRPPUPP), Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan (KKP); Inland Fishery Resources Development and Management Department (IFRDMD), Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center (Inland Fishery Resources Development and Management Department (IFRDMD), Souteast Asian Fisheries Development Center (SEAFDEC), 2023)
      To strengthen the fisheries business - based village autonomy, the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries of Republic of Indonesia (MMAF), through the Agency for Marine and Fisheries Research and Human Resources (AMAFRAD), ...
    • Indonesia shortfin eel 

      Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Inland Fishery Resources Development and Management Department; Kementerian Kelautan Dan Perikanan, Republik Indonesia (2023)
    • Fishing pond 

      Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Inland Fishery Resources Development and Management Department; Kementerian Kelautan Dan Perikanan, Republik Indonesia (2023)
    • SPEECTRA Patra Tani 

      Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Inland Fishery Resources Development and Management Department; Kementerian Kelautan Dan Perikanan, Republik Indonesia; Trust Fund - Fisheries Agency of Japan (Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Inland Fishery Resources Development and Management Department - Balai Riset Perikanan Perairan Umum Dan Penyuluhan Perikanan Palembang, 2023)
    • SPEECTRA III pond 

      Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Inland Fishery Resources Development and Management Department; Kementerian Kelautan Dan Perikanan, Republik Indonesia (2023)
    • SPEECTRA II pond 

      Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Inland Fishery Resources Development and Management Department; Kementerian Kelautan Dan Perikanan, Republik Indonesia (2023)
    • SPEECTRA I pond 

      Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Inland Fishery Resources Development and Management Department; Kementerian Kelautan Dan Perikanan, Republik Indonesia (2023)
    • Rearing pond 

      Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Inland Fishery Resources Development and Management Department; Kementerian Kelautan Dan Perikanan, Republik Indonesia; Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (2023)
    • Hatchery pond 

      Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Inland Fishery Resources Development and Management Department; Kementerian Kelautan Dan Perikanan, Republik Indonesia (2023)
    • Three spot gourami 

      Unknown author (2023)
    • Striped snakehead 

      Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Inland Fishery Resources Development and Management Department; Kementerian Kelautan Dan Perikanan, Republik Indonesia (2023)
    • Striped barb 

      Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Inland Fishery Resources Development and Management Department; Kementerian Kelautan Dan Perikanan, Republik Indonesia (2023)